Agile Consulting
We coach and train product teams to adopt Agile principles and operationalize Scrum practices to improve their wing-to-wing software development methodology. Mission: help teams launch higher-quality software products faster and more often via Agile disciplines.

Digital Solutions
We handle all digital marketing needs—website design & build, social media & content strategy, and SEO—as well as broader technology needs. Mission: help teams find and execute on opportunities to streamline and grow their small business or nonprofit via digital means.
Making a Difference
We can make a difference in how your team runs projects and embraces technology to achieve better results. Together, through our Paying it Forward commitment, we can also make a difference by supporting the valuable work of nonprofits in communities in which we live and work.
"I want to spend each day feeling inspired and doing what I love—dedicating myself to helping others reach their goals and giving back to society."Brad MacLean, Owner
Paying it Forward
We are committed to furthering social good by incorporating a 'Pay it Forward' component into our business model. Nspired will donate 10% of a client’s annual billing to a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit of their choice. Donations will be distributed each January after client confirmation of their designated nonprofit.
“It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.” Albert Einstein
Get in Touch
Get in touch with us anytime to discuss how we can assist in helping your team, business, or nonprofit!